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Individualized Short Term Rehab Treatment Plans

The best short term rehab results and positive outcomes occur when we design a specific short term rehab therapy and treatment plan for you that enables you to reach your goals. Programs we offer at Hamlin Place are appropriate for adults of all ages and diagnoses, including but not limited to post-CVA stroke care, post-op elective joint replacement orthopedic surgery, cardiac surgery or heart attack, COPD and pulmonary conditions, cancer recovery, neurological disorders, amputations, weakness and functional declines after hospitalization, or recovery following falls or accidents that result in fractures and other trauma.

Short Term Rehab

These rehab and therapy strengthening programs are the bridge between your hospitalization and your return back home. The transition will allow you to attain the best possible conditioning, so you can resume your previous lifestyle with your prior level of function and independence.

Our Rehab Team evaluates and designs an individual therapy plan specific to diagnosis. This allows the patient to regain the prior level of function and an independent lifestyle.

We know that every rehab patient is hoping for an early discharge, to get home sooner rather than later. However, our goal is to see that you stay long enough to complete our physician’s therapy plan so that when you do leave, you have received the maximum benefit of your strengthening, balance, and endurance programs. Reaching that goal ensures that you’ll be safer and more confident in your ability to manage in your home setting.

Come for a tour, and we will be pleased to introduce you to our rehab team and show you our short term recovery wing.

Short Term Rehab
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