Comprehensive Stroke and Neuro Rehab
Your comprehensive stroke and neuro rehab program will be coordinated in conjunction with our Care Plan team, incorporating evaluation and ongoing periodic assessments to determine other appropriate care and services from our Dietitian, Nurses, Social Worker, and Therapeutic Recreation professionals. They all will work closely with your therapists and attending physicians to follow and monitor each discipline of your care. We include you and your family’s input and feedback in Care Plan conferences and throughout your stay to ensure that questions and concerns are answered and addressed promptly.
Stroke and Neuro
Strokes (CVA’s), and associated mini-strokes, also known as trans-ischemic attacks, (TIA’s), are leading causes of adult disability. They can occur when a blood clot blocks a blood vessel in the brain, interrupting blood flow. For survivors, treatment for the fullest recovery possible is imperative.
Hamlin Place’s Comprehensive Stroke and Neuro Rehab programs also provide a recovery process for a broad range of associated neurological diagnoses, including traumatic head injury, Parkinson’s disease, brain tumor, arteriovenous malformation, and aneurysms.
Individualized treatment plans include evaluation by licensed therapists, followed by regularly scheduled ongoing inpatient sessions designed to improve and / or regain lost or impaired functions. Your progress will be monitored by our staff Physiatrist, in consultation with your attending physician and your neurologist.
Recovering from a major stroke can be a true test of endurance and time, which is why our therapy team plays different roles in the process, from teacher and trainer, to coach and motivator, to cheerleader. They will be there for you until you reach your maximum potential, to see you cross the finish line.